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Training and Assessment First Peoples Pilot Program

Free Program

If you are a First Peoples person who holds the relevant credentials and vocational competencies, this program is for you.

Leading the way

Having First Peoples trainers in the vocational sector is the perfect way to encourage all students to continue their learning journey with real job outcomes.

Work Life Study Balance

The TAE program has been designed to be delivered in a face to face setting in Djillong (Geelong) plus online, ensuring you can continue to work and take on your new study workload.

Register here

TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is the required qualification to teach in the vocation sector.  The Gordon’s FREE Pilot Program is designed to provide greater opportunities for First Peoples.

This is a deadly way to bring more cultural awareness to the classroom, provide great teaching and learning opportunities in the VET sector and continue being a role model to the First Peoples mob.

The program aims to be delivered in 8 months commencing this September.  We are calling for expressions of interest in our pilot program, and we will work with the cohort to see what teaching delivery mode will best suit the majority of learning. We are keen to have a yarn so register your interest and we will get back to you soon.

Image of a group of aboriginal students outside


Enrolments for this program are now closed.