Skilling the Bay has developed a program to promote the extensive roles available within the Government and Business sector and the number of entry points to start your career. Geelong is a hub for some of the largest government organisations in the region, offering a rich landscape of employment options, catering to individuals with different skills, interests, and career aspirations.
Government and business agencies provide a range of career entry points. As well as highlighting education and training pathways into the industry, this program also seeks to promote entry-level roles that may be available through traineeships, apprenticeships and graduate programs.
Delivered by: Skilling the Bay and supported by the Victorian Government
Important notes for schools:
WOW Government and Business Careers program flyer
WOW Government and Business Careers program application form
To register your interest or stay informed about the program, please contact:
Josie Collins
skillingthebay@gordontafe.edu.au 5225 0902
Or enter your details in the form below.