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Local Jobs CareerHub


We use CareerHub as our one-stop shop for everything career-related, including local job listings, upcoming free events and some great resources – sample resumes, online job boards and FAQs. Once you’ve registered with us, CareerHub also enables you to book yourself directly into your next appointment with one of our career advisors.

If you’re not a Gordon student, read this step-by-step factsheet which explains how to access CareerHub.

If you’re an enrolled student at The Gordon, you can login to CareerHub using your Gordon username (student ID) and password.

If you’re already registered as a Skills and Jobs Centre client and have also set up a login, click on the link below to access CareerHub. And check out the short video on this page to find out how to navigate CareerHub!


Opportunity Wyndham

Do you live in the Wyndham local government area? Looking for a job closer to home? The Wyndham City Council has partnered with locally-based employers and established the Opportunity Wyndham program for local jobseekers.

To be eligible to apply for Opportunity Wyndham jobs, you’ll need to be registered with us at the Gordon Skills & Jobs Centre. Our advisors will give you individual assistance with your resume and guide your application through the recruitment process.

Contact us for more information on 5225 0700 or email

Our training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. | Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

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