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24 hour emergency and crisis support



If you have immediate concerns for yourself or someone else’s safety at any time of the day, call emergency services (dial 000) and ask for Police, Fire or Ambulance.

For non-urgent accidents and injuries, contact Gordon Security. Go to Safety, Health and Security for information on first aid, accidents and injuries and Gordon Security contact information.  



24 hour or after hour support services

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Domestic and Family Violence
Medical Services (not emergencies)
Poisons information
Interpreter Service


Vic Emergency App

Vic emergency is the best and most up-to-date resource for incidents, warnings and other weather and fire-related information.

You can download the VicEmergency App (AppStore or Google Play) and set your location to receive notifications and warnings.





Our training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. | Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

ABN: 27 241 053 246. | TOID: 3044 | CRICOS Provider No. 00011G | © Gordon Institute of TAFE 2014