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Frequently asked questions

Is VETDSS an extra program on top of my VCE or VCE-VM studies?
How will I be assessed for my VETDSS studies?
What if I change my mind about this career path and drop out?
How will I fit structured workplace learning into my schedule?
Will my part-time job count for structured workplace learning?
When do I have to make a decision about doing a VETDSS program?
Does a VETDSS program help me if I want to go on to further study?
Do I have to select compatible VCE subjects that relate to my VET program?
How do I decide if I should do a VETDSS program?
My VETDSS course outcome says ‘partial completion,’ what does this mean?
My course is partial completion, can I enrol in the remaining unit to achieve the full qualification?
Are there eligibility requirements for guaranteed places in pathway courses?
How do I express my interest in a guaranteed place in the pathway course?
My course is partial completion, can I apply for a higher-level course without completing the full qualification?

If you would like to study a VETDSS program, please see your VET Coordinator and complete the application process.



Our training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. | Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

ABN: 27 241 053 246. | TOID: 3044 | CRICOS Provider No. 00011G | © Gordon Institute of TAFE 2014