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Enrolment, results and money matters

Administration Essentials

During and after your studies at The Gordon, you will need to enrol, pay your fees, purchase course books and get your student card. You may also need to update your details, change course details or request transcripts and other information. The 'How to' section on this page will help you with how to do that.

eCentral contains your student records. You will need your student ID and password to log in. Use eCentral to update your personal details, apply for courses, view application status and correspondence, manage your enrolments, pay fees, and view results.


eCentral login Timetables



How to...

Apply for a course
Enrol and pay
Get a Student ID card
Get an academic transcript
Get a VET Student Loan or Fee Payment Plan
Purchase books and uniforms
Reset your password
Retrieve your student ID
Understand fees and charges
Update your contact details
Update your name or gender
Withdraw and apply for a refund


Our training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. | Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

ABN: 27 241 053 246. | TOID: 3044 | CRICOS Provider No. 00011G | © Gordon Institute of TAFE 2014