Indicative Offer Dates:
Term 1, 2, 3 & 4 intakes: Completed applications will be processed as quickly as possible. Whenever possible, we will have a response to you within four weeks of receiving all elements of your application.
Class Day Training timetabled and delivered during the daytime in either a physical classroom on campus or a virtual classroom online via Zoom.
Class Night Training timetabled and delivered at night time in either a physical classroom on campus or a virtual classroom online via Zoom.
Blended Training delivered as a combination of a timetabled day and/or night class in either
- a physical classroom
- a virtual classroom via Zoom
In conjunction with self-paced learning via Gordon Online
Online Training undertaken as self-paced learning via Gordon Online. This may also require workbooks to be completed or attendance at scheduled online workshops.
Workplace Training delivered at a students workplace
Block release/ Block attendance Apprentices are required to attend trade school as part of their apprenticeship agreement. This is set up in ‘blocks’ of attendance with usually 10 blocks of trade school attendance a year. The Gordon sends the dates to the employer and the apprentice at the beginning of each year or on commencement of study.