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Supported Learning Programs

Work Education | Transition Education

Supported Learning Programs at The Gordon give students the extra support to transition into tertiary studies and the workforce. They will make new friends and find their way in a new adult learning environment.   

The one-year Work Education and Transition Education program (dual qualification) is perfect for learning new life skills, gaining work-ready skills and having the opportunity to pathway to meaningful employment or further educational programs, including apprenticeships.

Organise an interview with our teaching team for us to understand your adolescent's learning requirements and for us to walk you through the application process.

Benefits of the Program

Taster programs in a variety of trades include: 

  • Bricklaying, landscaping, cookery, automotive/collision repair, horticulture, floristry, animal studies, painting, carpentry/cabinet making
  • Work placement 
  • Personal management skills
  • Career planning

Suitable for:

People who are 15 years or older 

  • with a diagnosed learning disability and/or
  • have received special education assistance, or have had a modified program at school

Book your one-on-one interview

Find out what course is right for you and get help with your application.



Information sessions

22566VIC Certificate I in Work Education 08/10/2024 5:30pm
Geelong City Auditorium (H1.03)
22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education 08/10/2024 5:30pm
Geelong City Auditorium (H1.03)


Free TAFE Apply now JobTrainer

22631VIC Certificate II in Work Education

Study the Certificate II in Work Education at The Gordon to support your complex learning needs and develop your confidence to be ready for employment.

Free TAFE Apply now JobTrainer

22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education

If you have special learning difficulties apply for our Certificate I in Transition Education course to help you make a successful transition into employment

Free TAFE Apply now JobTrainer

22566VIC Certificate I in Work Education

Study our Certificate I in Work Education course now to gain the skills and knowledge to enter the general workforce, or further work-related training.

Student story

image of Ellie Lovell Gordon student

"I was homeschooling prior to studying at The Gordon. My mum and I were looking for a way for me to integrate back into the education system. 

 love it here in my Work Ed, Transition Ed course here at The Gordon.  It is great because I can work at my own pace, and I still have structure.  The teachers are awesome too.  Having undertaken a variety of tasters, I now know I like working with animals and plants.  This has found me choosing a  work placement in a local plant nursery. In addition, the life skills I have learnt in this course helped me apply for my new job at Kmart!"

Ellie Lovell, Work Ed | Transition Ed