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Open Day 2023

If you missed The Gordon’s Open Day, here’s a snapshot of what happened!

Our game changing career showcase was an eye-opening spectacle for those looking to pursue a career in growth sectors such as health, science, construction and information technology, while creatives enjoyed a visual art display and tried their hand at charcoal drawing. Our service-based industries including business, cookery, tourism, and hospitality turned it on with barista demonstrations and delighted the taste buds of would-be chefs. However, the true hit of the day was our Tesla display, compliments of our automotive team, who loved showcasing our electric car – the future of the industry! 

TAFE is a really clever choice, offering shorter courses and the hands-on experience you need to be job-ready and enter the workforce faster – without the large debt of a university degree. With more than 40 Free TAFE courses at The Gordon, there has never been a better time to study. 

The Gordon offers more than 200 courses, from Certificates I-IV to Advanced Diplomas, as well as apprenticeships and traineeships, which allow students to earn while they learn.

To learn more about your career choices and the pathways you can take in your profession, contact our Customer Service team on 1300 294 350 today.